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Wondering why

This is in reference to the hill with the Pony Express emblem alongside I-229 and the St. Joseph Avenue. Question is, is there a reason why the mower operators are not cutting the entire hill as it looks like they cut so far and they go elsewhere on the hill and cut?

(29) comments


'Who's your daddy?" Absolutely nothing Joe Biden does or says has gone down well for ANYONE! The man is just creepy!


Funny he has a very good record, no indictments, no sexual assault convictions. Garland hasn’t called him a petulant child. I think Biden’s doing just fine.


Boy are former trumpers, those with more than an 8th grade education are talking bad about him. Funny when they can’t get anything from him they tell the truth.


So Barr say trump is a petulant 9 year old trump and that he is a terrible man. But while in office trump was a great guy. As always republican lies.


Biden says: "God save the queen, man" ??? At least he didn't fall...again. [thumbup]


In case anyone missed this great letter:

MAGA needs a dose of humility

The America first mentality is absolutely asinine and followed to the nth degree, as the Trump zealots advocate, is the wrong direction. America needs to eat a healthy dose of humble pie. Yes, we are a great nation, made greater by our stalwart military performance in WWII and our postwar economic boom.

Money flowed. The rich became richer. Capitalism became king and with that, hard work was idolized. The American Dream was born. And those, who were poor, just didn’t work hard enough. And so it went. We became self-absorbed. Hardened. Calloused. Enclosed. Gated.

The poor were left out. Powerless. Without hope. Envious. Resentful. Seething. There was no American Dream for them. The racial divide simmered underneath. Emotions were paper thin.

And then along came a rich city boy with an American first mantra cloaked in coded racial undertones and the have-nots doted on this little rich boy as though he were their messiah. Too bad.

They were duped. And America lost ground....even retreating to a yesteryear mentality, desperately trying to deny the changing world around them.

Lost in all this MAGA cockamamie is the interdependence of countries for their own survival. We are one of those countries. We simply must be a humble player on the world stage.

Robert Stuber, MD

St. Joseph




Dr Stupid's letter reeks so much of socialism that it stinks!


Still smells better then that rancid Republican Party.


The good doctor fails to recognize it is capitalism that funds the government largesse doled out to the deadbeat community he serves


Why don’t you call, maybe he could educate you because I’m tired of trying. Bless your little heart. You do know this is largely a Republican town of deadbeat ignorant racists liars right?


Your eloquent invective aside, it remains plainly hypocritical of the welfare doctor to continue his periodic rants condemning American capitalism when it is that very economic system which provides the taxes federal, state and local governments use to provide generous benefits to a population mistakenly seen as penurious. Seems akin to biting the hand that that feeds him, then complaining it didn't taste to suit him.


You are just mistaken, he never said Bad Capitalism did he? No he was pointing out the unfairness of capitalism, but you are fine with the wealthy not paying taxes. Maybe you like the unfairness of who gets a break or an unfair leg up. You do know the leading indicator to a person’s success is their zip code. Right skippy?


Picalow it sounds like you have a personal problem...maybe dr stupid can help you.

So do tell us the difference between "bad capitalism" and good capitalism. WrightWinger is 100% correct - what part of that don't you understand?


Inequality, Environmental Impacts, Greed, Monopolies ( AT&T, Facebook, Railroads). Here read Capital in The Twenty First Century. It’s a good thought provoking read, you probably won’t get it. Weren’t you going to give me some facts about the Clintons a few months back but disappeared for a week instead. Probably a good move.


Republicans..."If you have to make laws to hurt a group of people just to prove your morals and faith, then you have no true morals or faith to prove."


They never had any, it was all a lie.


Munchme is trying to say that tapes of Clinton being interviewed for a book are the same as military war plan, nuclear capabilities, weak points in our infrastructure are the exact same thing. He doesn’t mention that a right wing group, Judicial Watch took Clinton to court and lost badly. It’s interesting that this is the same group that is telling trump to claim the secret docs are his. So let’s get this straight, Clinton’s tapes about him are not his but US top secrets are trumps.

Now munchme do you see why we laugh at you and your kind.


Venting displeasure Strange that I hear people complaining everywhere I go. People are realizing we have criminal enterprise masquerading as the US government. On top of being made more poor on a daily basis , we have LiFi surrounding us in the cities from the new LED a street lights to WiFi to the SMART Meters on our homes buzzing our brains that are filled with metals from years and years of daily chemtrails. We are doomed as a species !


We are only doomed if people like you continue to breed.




Your ilk are being exterminated as I speak. Go take your booster. That’ll get you before the LiFi does.


Munchkin is a stunning rebuke of the exemplary.


Sandlot baseball. What we have here is a lack of knowledge regarding the statutes and laws enabling the media to manipulate people. Ever hear of the Clinton’s Sock Drawer? Check it out.


You forgot the C-130’s full of cocaine in Arkansas. You are deep in the conspiracies.


James Comer now says that another source of Biden’s corruption is missing, for three years he claims. So what has this spectacular investigating team brought us? Talk of a tape that they now say might not exist and two witnesses that they can’t find and one of them they have not talked to but are sure he is a witness. Maybe they should see if the Hardy Boys are available, maybe Daffy Duck would be a better fit.


GOP slogan; Never let an opportunity to look incompetent go to waste.


They should have that tattooed on their chest next to the AR-15 tattoo. A new tattoo trend started by MTG.



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